
New Horizons' new exploit can do wonders for players in search of rare islands

Animal Crossing: New Horizons introduced many new features and items in the game with the 2.0 update. One of the most exciting features to be added was the return of the popular NPC villager, Kapp'n. With the return of Kapp'n in New Horizons, players also saw the introduction of mystery island tours in the game.

Now, these mystery island tours can be very profitable for players since they can obtain a bunch of different items from these islands. However, players usually cannot choose the island that they will visit, which might be counterproductive for them at times.

However, Animal Crossing YouTuber Mayor Mori shared a way around the problem in a recent video.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons' Kapp'n hack is quite useful for players

Kapp'n's mystery island tours can take players to one of 32 different islands, of which seven are rare. Naturally, players generally hope to visit the rarer islands more often.

However, there is only a 3% chance of players chancing upon rarer mystery islands. Furthermore, there is usually no way to increase players' chances of visiting rarer mystery islands.

Kapp'n takes players on many different mystery island tours (Image via Animal Crossing World)

Sometimes, players may want to land upon a specific mystery island since they want the items to be available on that island specifically. This might include items like star fragments, among other things. This makes the random selection of mystery islands inconvenient for most players.

However, a recently discovered hack may have changed this for players. Once players have reached their destination mystery island, they can switch to a different island if it is not what they want to be on.

This can be done right after players reach the mystery island, but they must be quick with their actions. Before Kapp'n can complete his dialog upon reaching the mystery island, players must reset the game.

Once they are logged back in, they will find themselves upon a different mystery island. Players can do this infinitely till they land upon the island of their choice.

This is quite a helpful hack for players determined to land on specific rare mystery islands in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It saves players a lot of time and Nook Mile Tickets that they would have otherwise spent going on multiple mystery island tours with Kapp'n.

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Valeria Galgano

Update: 2024-06-12